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Writer's pictureTaja Morgan

Why is Drama Important?

There are so many positive skills that we learn from dramatic play that are needed in our everyday life. For example, our memory skills are needed to remember our lines when performing on stage; we use this same skill to complete an exam, or to remember names or important events.

We need our communication skills to speak with others and to understand each other, we need this exact same skill when performing on stage to communicate with our fellow actors or to the audience.

Learning drama skills from a young age is super beneficial for the development of a child, which is why our classes start from such a young age.

Read on to find out how Drama can be useful for your child:

1. Drama develops our confidence - Remembering lines and performing in front of an audience develops a persons confidence massively. During our classes children are given a line of dialogue to say in front of their peers. We work on our characterisation, diction and speech. We've seen the most shy children become brilliant speakers. A confident person shines, they're resilient, they are much more likely to be happier and achieve what they want in life

2. It fosters our self-discipline - Drama games and creative movement improve self-control. Rehearsing, remembering lines and cues takes perseverance and dedication.This helps us to feel in control of ourselves, improves our time management, increases our focus which in turn makes us more likely to achieve our goals and become successful.

3. Encourages team work skills - Team work is essential to put on performances. In our classes the children work together to create their own shows. Team work helps us to build stronger connections and relationships with others. Through stronger relationships, trust is built and communication becomes more natural, open and free.

4. Develops new friendships - What better way to make friends then in a safe and nurturing space through games, laughter and fun. We are constantly communicating with each other, expressing ourselves and building relationships, that friendships naturally form.

5. Helps us discuss, explore and deal with difficult issues - If communication is difficult for your child, then drama is a great way to solve it. Play scripts always involves a problem to solve which encourages us to deal with difficult issues. When on stage if something goes wrong, we need to be able to improvise to fix the problem quickly without making it obvious to the audience. This is great learning for when something doesn't go our way in everyday life.

6. Helps us to build empathy and cooperation - When acting, we have to put our foot in the shoe of the character that we are playing. It encourages us to feel and understand how another person is feeling. Empathy enables us to build social connections which is hugely important for our optimal wellbeing and positions children well for learning.

7. Helps us to express ourselves in a supportive environment - Drama is a great place for allowing children to safely express themselves. There is no judgement, because we are all there for two reasons, to LEARN and HAVE FUN! It allows us to produce new understandings and experience the world from different perspectives.

8. Develops creativity - This is a huge part of drama! We are constantly thinking of ideas, using our imagination to go on different adventures, solving problems and creating stories. Having a creative mind is so important in our everyday life, it helps us to think outside the box, solve problems more effectively, communicate better and adapt to change.


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